What is Criminal Simulation A.R.S. 13-2004?
Criminal simulation typically refers to the act of imitating or reproducing something with the intent to deceive or defraud others. It often involves creating a false representation of an object, document, or currency.
A person commits criminal simulation if, with intent to defraud, such person makes, alters, or presents or offers, whether accepted or not, any object so that it appears to have an antiquity, rarity, source, authorship or value that it does not in fact possess.
A criminal defense attorney challenges the prosecutor to prove the specific intent necessary in this offense.
What Can Be Considered Criminal Simulation
1. Counterfeiting Currency: Creating fake money with the intent to use it as genuine currency.
2. Forgery: Falsifying documents, signatures, or other items with the intent to deceive.
3. Fraudulent Reproduction: Making fake goods or products with the intent to sell them as genuine.
4. False Identification: Creating or using false identification documents, such as fake driver's licenses or passports.
5. Embezzlement: Creating false records or transactions to misappropriate funds.
What are the Penalties for Criminal Simulation A.R.S. 13-2004
Criminal simulation is a class 6 felony. It carries a presumptive penalty of one year in prison. The sentence may be aggravated to 5.75 years or mitigated to 4 months in prison. A person may be probation eligible for this offense.
If a person is convicted of any class 6 felony not involving a dangerous offense and if the court, having regard to the nature and circumstances of the crime and to the history and character of the defendant, is of the opinion that it would be unduly harsh to sentence the defendant for a felony, the court may enter judgment of conviction for a class 1 misdemeanor and make disposition accordingly or may place the defendant on probation and refrain from designating the offense as a felony or misdemeanor until the probation is terminated. The offense shall be treated as a misdemeanor for all purposes until such time as the court may actually enter an order designating the offense a misdemeanor or a felony. This does not apply to any person who stands convicted of a class 6 felony and who has previously been convicted of two or more felonies
What are the Defenses to Criminal Simulation
- Mistaken Identity
- Alibi
- lack of intent
Contact Brian Di Pietro Law, PLLC, Arizona's Tough Experienced Aggressive Fraud Offense Lawyer
Contact Brian Di Pietro Law, PLLC today for a free case evaluation about your pending criminal simulation crime case in Arizona. Brian Di Pietro is an experienced, tough, aggressive Phoenix criminal defense attorney who will work hard to fight the charges against you to achieve the most favorable outcome for your particular criminal simulation crime charges. Contact now Brian Di Pietro Law PLLC at 623-242-2655 for a free confidential case evaluation about your criminal simulation crime charge in Arizona.